Hello Pupils and Parents!
I hope you are all keeping well. Below is some suggested work for you to follow should you wish. If you have any questions or concerns at all, please contact me.
Kind regards

Resources & Websites
Language and Communication
Please continue with your reader and complete reading comprehension and grammar activities. Read regularly – a book of your choice.
Oral Language (Optional)
On a weekly or fortnightly basis, you may send me a video message about your week via email.
Please use the twinkl website. Multiplication and division workbooks. Addition and subtraction activities. I also have a series of books called Living Maths which I am happy to photocopy and post to you if you are interested.
Life Skills
- To make breakfast with or without support.
- Make a sandwich /lunch with or without support.
- Bake with an adult.
If you have access to a laptop or computer, please practice or further develop word processing.
PE with Joe Wicks weekdays at 9am but you can visit anytime on YouTube.